信息来自:http://www.ecocn.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=63764&relt · 作者: · 日期:05-09-2012

Japanese manufacturing

From summit to plummet

Once global leaders, Japanese electronics firms are tumbling

IN TOKYO’S posh Ginza shopping district the Apple Store is packed, but the nearby Sony showroom is as lifeless as a mausoleum. In recent days the largest Japanese gadget-makers said they expect to lose a combined $17 billion in the financial year 2011. Panasonic alone expects to lose $10 billion. Meanwhile South Korea’s Samsung enjoyed profits of $15 billion and America’s Apple hauled in $22 billion.


Since 2000 the big five Japanese electronics firms have lost two-thirds of their value (see chart). What ails them? High costs and a strong yen don’t help. Nor does a recent legal change that bars them from claiming certain tax credits they had counted on. But the sickness runs deeper.


Too many Japanese firms make similar things. No fewer than eight crank out mobile phones; more than ten make rice-cookers and six make televisions. The overlap is inefficient: it duplicates research and development, reduces economies of scale and destroys pricing power.


Companies often stay in markets where they cannot compete. This wastes huge amounts of capital. Rather than sticking to what they do best, they bleed their strong divisions to feed their losers. This is not sustainable. Fitch, a ratings agency, recently downgraded the debts of Panasonic and Sony to one notch above junk status and placed Sharp’s on negative outlook.


To understand how Japan’s once-mighty electronics industry has grown so flabby, consider the story of NEC. It used to be one of the world’s biggest IT and telecoms firms, but it has failed to adapt to changing times. Its shares have fallen by 90% in the past decade and by 40% in the past year alone. It has sulked from one restructuring plan to another. The latest came on January 26th, when it forecast a ¥100 billion ($1.3 billion) loss for the fiscal year instead of a ¥15 billion profit, and said it would have to sack 10,000 employees, around 9% of the workforce.


For most of the time since it was founded in 1899, the Nippon Electric Company’s main customer was the state. So NEC’s own culture has long been bureaucratic. When Japan’s telecoms market was liberalised in the 1990s the former monopoly operator, NTT, was forced to compete. But NEC was not. Quite the opposite. NTT demanded highly specialised technical specifications from its suppliers. NEC was happy to churn out weird wireless standards and arcane signalling protocols for NTT, since its giant customer guaranteed it huge sales at margins that, in effect, paid all the R&D costs. Moreover, NTT’s technical demands acted as a barrier to entry for rivals both domestic and foreign.

自1899年成立伊始,日本政府就是NEC的门上贵客,故NEC的官僚气息也由此得来,历史已久。在上世纪90年代日本电信市场自由化风暴中,曾经的业内霸主NTT(日本电话电报公司)[2]被迫进入市场竞争,而NEC则有幸逃过此劫。NTT要求供货商有高度专业化的技术规格。相反,NEC则乐于为NTT潜心研发奇怪的无线标准和晦涩的信令协议。更何况,NTT这个大客户的采购数量保证了NEC的利润率,事实上也同时保证了后者的研发经费。 此外,NTT对技术的需求恰为NEC 国内外的竞争对手设置了入市壁垒。

It was a cosy arrangement, but dangerous in the long run. It was not easy for NEC to modify the complex technology it sold to NTT for other clients. Indeed, NTT treated sales to domestic rivals as an act of disloyalty and threatened to cut orders if NEC made too many. These old ties are still strong: even today NEC holds around ¥2.6 billion in NTT shares.


Working for NTT, NEC gained little experience of how to operate its equipment inside a live network. This makes it hard for NEC to do any business outside Japan, where operators typically want vendors to help run the equipment. Such services yield recurring revenues with high margins. NEC is stuck with the hardware, which is rapidly becoming a low-margin commodity business.


NEC also deals with NTT DoCoMo[3], a mobile operator spun out of NTT. This is just as clubby. NTT DoCoMo does not let manufacturers devise their own products to compete against each other. Instead, it demands specific features from each of them, and tries to keep them all afloat. For example, one maker is instructed to produce a basic camera in a super-slim handset, while another is told to make a high-end camera in a brick.

NEC还得同NTT剥离出来的手机公司NTT DoCoMo打交道。这又是个封闭的小圈子。 DoCoMo的手段不是任制造商们自发研制产品来相互竞争,而是向他们分别提出特定的要求,并试图同他们都保持良好的关系。比如,要求制造商A为一款超薄手机安装普通摄像头,而要求制造商B给大哥大安装高端摄像头。

This helps explain why Japan’s phone market suffers from the “Galapagos effect”[4]. Its technology evolves in isolation and struggles to succeed elsewhere. Japan produces nearly 30m handsets a year, but sells very few abroad.


After liberalisation, NTT had to cut costs. NEC saw its earnings dip, but life was still comfortable. So it did not bother with the drastic reforms that telecoms equipment-makers elsewhere undertook. When it did try to diversify, it landed in trouble: the acquisition in the 1990s of Packard Bell, an American PC maker, was a failure. So NEC mostly stayed at home in Japan.


Despite its plodding management, NEC has often been technically brilliant. It used to vie with Cray and IBM to build the world’s fastest supercomputers. Its know-how was critical to the success of Japan’s space-satellite programme. Yet these are small markets. NEC’s research labs may be among the best in the world, but it has been forced to slash its R&D budget this year to half the level of 2008.

虽然NEC在管理上沉闷乏味,但也曾有着辉煌的技术发展史。在制造世界上最快的超级计算机的比赛中,NEC曾和超级计算机之父Cray以及IT巨头IBM同场竞技。NEC的技术也为日本太空卫星计划的成功也起到了关键作用。然而这些技术应用的市场都太小众。 NEC可能拥有全球最顶尖的科研实验室之一,但今年也被迫将研发经费压缩至2008年的一半。

As its difficulties have mounted, NEC has sold assets, including stakes in its LCD-display unit, its mobile-phone arm and its personal-computer division. By dawdling, it received less. And it has not made a clean break; it retains minority stakes.


Today, NEC produces little that other firms don’t make as well. Alas for Japan, it is far from alone. Sharp’s cellphones and LCD televisions have to battle Panasonic’s and Sony’s and Toshiba’s and Hitachi’s. All are losing market share to Samsung and Apple. “When other Japanese companies see NEC, they can’t think it is only NEC’s problems,” says a former grandee at a big electronics firm. Will they do anything about it? He looks away and sighs. “Everyone knows we need to change, and no one can make the changes,” he says.


 from the print edition | Business    译者:王葭苇


 [1]日本电气股份有限公司(日文:日本电気株式会社,英文:NEC Corporation,Nippon Electric Company, Limited的简称)简称日本电气或日电或NEC,是一家跨国信息技术公司,总部位于日本东京港区(Minato-Ku)。NEC为商业企业、通信服务以及政府提供信息技术(IT)和网络产品。它的经营范围主要分成三个部分:IT解决方案、网络解决方案和电子设备。
[2] NTT是Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation(日本电话电报公司)的缩写。Docomo是,是哪儿都行的意思。DoCoMo这个名字的意思是取Do Communication Over the Mobile Network中的首字﹙电信沟通无界限﹚,DoCoMo日文どこも的发音(罗马字)日语里则带有「无所不在everywhere」的意思。 DoCoMo是1991年8月由日本公司日本电信电话(NTT)所分出来的,专营电信业务。目前系统包括有PHS、MOVA、FOMA和 paging与satellite五种。
[3]NTT DoCoMo公司是日本电报电话公司的手机公司(或服务品牌) TYO: 9437 NYSE:DCM。NTT DoCoMo是目前世界上最大的移动通信公司之一,也是最早推出3G商用服务的运营商。
[4]The “Galapagos Effect,” for those unfamiliar with the term, is used to describe Japan's unique culture of technology that has not expanded beyond Japan's borders, in the same way that the Galapagos Islands exemplify unique evolutionary developments in nature。

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